Kathleen OrdinarioDiana's Chocolate Birthday CakeMy favorite dairy free chocolate cake that I made while I was in labor with Diana.
Kathleen Ordinario7 Things You Should be Doing in Early LaborOne piece of advice I can give you about birth, is to ignore your labor as long as possible.
Kathleen Ordinario5 Questions You Need to Ask Your OBAs a doula, I believe there are 5 red flag questions you should ask your OB before you commit to them. Here they are...
Kathleen OrdinarioMy 5 Must Have Items for Perineum Care After ChildbirthAs a doula, one of the top questions I get asked over and over again is, "What if I tear when I'm pushing?" The first thing you should...
Kathleen OrdinarioChocolate Chunk Lactation Cookies Original and Vegan What makes them lactation cookies you ask? Well there are few special ingredients that help promote milk production.
Kathleen OrdinarioMy Home Birth StoryI'm so excited to finally be sharing Diana's home birth story with all of you! This was my second baby and first home birth! There were a lo
Kathleen OrdinarioHow I Flipped My Breech Baby at 35 Weeks Pregnant! How I flipped my breech baby at 35 weeks pregnant!