Well, talk about a scary moment for me mommas. I was doing school with my kiddos, when I hear my daughter start to sniff and wipe her nose on her shirt. I look up to see her nose bleeding freely. She didn’t notice the blood at first and it had quickly dripped all over her pants. She was also trying to wipe it on her arm so she was pretty covered by the time I got a wipe to stop the bleeding. Once Diana saw the blood she became scared and began to cry. Poor baby is only five and has never had a nose bleed before.
I tried to stop the bleeding by pinching her nose and having her tilt her head back, (I know now, you shouldn’t tilt your head back). The blood started running into her mouth through her nasal cavity. We quickly walked to the bathroom so she could spit it out. Seeing her mouth fill with blood was starting to freak me out a bit. But, I kept my cool and had her spit and rinse her mouth out with water. Her nose still wouldn’t stop, every time I removed the wipe her nose only continued to bleed.
Diana was doing pretty good taking long slow breaths through her mouth. But her nose just wouldn’t stop bleeding and her lips were turning white. She started to cry again and then blood began to come out of her right eye! It was at that moment that my brain went into panic mode for a moment. What in the world was happening!
In those moments of pure fear your brain will take you to some terrifying places. “Did she have some sort of brain damage? Was she bleeding internally? Was she going to pass out? Do I grab my other kids and drive to the ER?” I had my hand on my phone ready to call 911 when I took a breath and called my husband first. I told him what was happening and he was on his way home before we even ended our call. I took another breath, my mind beginning to work more clearly now. I looked up “nose bleed bleeding from eyes”. This is what popped up,
“If you have a nosebleed and blow or pinch your nose, a reverse flow of blood can be pushed back up through the nasolacrimal system. This will cause blood to regurgitate back through the puncta and into the tears, making it appear that the tears are composed of blood” Very Well Health
Ok, take another breath momma, it looks like this happens sometimes. I realized I should not have put her head back while her nose was bleeding and quickly had her put her head down. After a few more minutes the blood finally started to stop. Her sweet face was so pale and she was shaking a bit. She curled up on the couch with her favorite blanket and closed her eyes. My husband walked in a few minutes later. "I think we're ok now" I said.
Moral of the story... If your child has a bad bloody nose, pinch their nose and tilt their head down slightly. If they start to cry bloody tears don't panic, that can happen sometimes.
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